Thursday, August 02, 2007

Kiddo Stats


4 months and very happy.
18 lbs 14.5 oz and "just over 95th percentile".
26" long and "95th percentile"
She obviously doesn't miss a meal!
Four shots were misery for her. Poor baby screamed and screamed.

3 years and also very happy
32 lbs and "55th percentile"
39.25" and "85th percentile"
He is my beanpole... poor child has no butt.
One shot and not a whimper. The next day my masochistic child asked to go back and get another shot.

Leif Teeth:
Update on his teeth. He saw my dentist for a second opinion. I have always though of my dentist as a dry curmudgeon. But I adore his hygienists and he is technically very good. I know, I have far too much experience with dentists. I have to say he was amazing with Leif and took far more time with him then his last dentist at the pediatric dentist, showing him all his tools and letting him squirt the water. When he was done examining him, he made him a puppy dog out of a balloon. Love him.

He agreed with Leif's ped dentist that he needs four crowns on his molars. They are hypoplastic and soft, he believes some decay is setting in and doesn't recommend waiting. Oh and he does NOT want to do them. Told me to schedule it with his ped dentist and to do general anesthesia on him. He, and his son, who is there doing an internship in dentistry both highly recommended the ped dentists. Son shadowed him earlier this summer and said he was amazing. Ok, I am sold.

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