Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Things aren't sooo bad

I bitch and whine, and then I spend some time on my good project in teleconference. I present my material, I am grilled, I back up my opinions, teleconference is over. And what happens? I feel great! I am responsible for my material, my project manager compliments me ("that one slide where you showed this was really good"), I have a great, supportive team I am working with. Life, specifically my career, is good.

(Until I walk over to work in the lab this afternoon in an effort to finish up some tasks on icky project... then the dark cloud will set in again.)

Hans worked his two nights and is recovering today. He was so tired when he walked in this morning at 7am. Went straight to bed. I feel so bad for him. He has a final application to get off today, needs to pick up his suit from the cleaners for his interview tomorrow, and go into work for a little this afternoon if he feels like it.

I am trying to decide if I am bailing completely on my running class and calling the $60 a complete waste. Or if I venture to the class after missing 3 in a row. (Not my fault.) I am thinking I have a meeting that will last late tonight. I should go, but I feel a stronger desire to go pick up Leif, go home and see my husband who has been worn to pieces the last few days with work. He needs a Leif fix and I don't want to delay it.

Upcoming concerns... when Leif turns 1yo on July 29th he will move up to the next age group room at Kindercare. The problem is that the standards of this room evidently drop drastically at this point. How strong can a group of parents be in demanding that they change their pissy standard? How willing am I to take Leif elsewhere?

Leif has a strong personality so far, so I don't worry about him emotionally in the class. OTOH I might worry about him bullying the other kids. How do you balance their need to have fun and socialize with the philosophy of the Montessori school curriculum that seems so nice and peaceful to my eye. In reality, that doesn't really even matter now because Leif didn't get into the Montessori school and probably won't get in until he is 3 years old. But still, can't Kindercare implement SOME educational tools instead of "toddlers gone wild"?

I am counting down the days until next Friday, I am taking it off and giving myself a 4 day weekend. Wahoo! I need it badly.

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