Thursday, May 05, 2005

My "horrorscope"

"Family, friends and career all demand your attention. Seek that rare thing: balance."

Really? You think? Wow, the power with which the stars predict the future is truly amazing.

Leif went home from daycare yesterday. He was a major pill. He woke up that way, was that way all morning and it didn't stop at daycare. I had my teleconference (which went swimmingly) got back to my office, wrapped up a few things - except for my client presentation I had plans to work on at home. Then I went and got Leif and went home for the afternoon. I got Leif down for a nap and was convinced he would have one of his 2-3 hour sleeps... silly me. I needed about 1.5 hours to finish up a presentation for my client's boss to present to some of their clients. No problem right? Ha!

Leif slept for an hour. Then he was up and fussy as ever. I alternated him in the jumper, crawling on the floor and I even allowed him to play in the dog's water bowl for a few minutes because he was entertained... and I could type. I finished off the presentation and rushed it off to my project manager here to run over before sending it to the client. Whew... at 2:30, I could finally focus my attention on fussy boy.

We watched Baby Einstein, talked to grandma, nursed, watched Baby Einstein. Nothing made him happy. Then at 3:30pm, the switch went off. Fussy boy returned to happy boy in a matter of mere minutes.

This was especially exciting because now he wanted to play by himself on the floor and I turned on Dr. Phil. Omarosa from the Apprentice was on. She is really a work of art... enough said.

Hans got home with awful news. The job he had been offered, had a start date for, and was waiting for the monetary compensation information before giving notice? Evaporated. Poof. Gone. He was livid. All of a sudden I guess the guy didn't have the money.

I just don't get the job situation here. It makes no sense. I could ramble on and on about the state of things. But that won't do any good. It is a Ph.D. market here, if you don't have a Ph.D., then it is best to only have a high school diploma and be starting out. Anything more than a diploma and less than a Ph.D. and you are screwed.

I suggested last night that we take a break and go into Seattle or Portland for a weekend. Hans suggested we move there.

I adore my friends for the most part. I don't have a lot of really close friends here at work, but enough. One of my friends who is relatively new to the lab has e-mailed and asked me to have lunch with her today for Cinco De Mayo, she wants to go have Mexican. My first thought is "no, I want to go hang out with Leif at lunch". But then I feel bad. She doesn't ask me to lunch often, she is single, moved here by herself and really strives to get out and do things. But so many people in my group are of "families" and Laura kind of gets lost in all that. So I am having lunch with Laura today. How awful of me - I am having lunch with her not because I want to go out to lunch, or that I even want company for lunch. I am having lunch with her because I feel guilty and selfish in saying no.

Today is my "spring cleaning day". I even dressed the part. Jeans, t-shirt and sandals. 4 hours this afternoon to clean and organize my office and "lab". In my case the only part of a lab I am willing to clean is my hood that I have my supercritical fluids setup in for my shiny happy project. The other project, screw them. I am not using a minute of my time to clean that fricking pit of a lab. Organization makes me happy, this will be good.

Of course it is Thursday, my despised project coworkers are in San Antonio, hopefully having a repeat of last time where everytime they left their hotel they were promptly crapped upon by large flocks of birds. (It still makes me giggle... karma is going to bite me in the ass.) So I had every intention of getting into the lab while they were gone and working. Umm yeah. I will Friday??

So back to my horrorscope:
Family, friends and career all demand your attention. Seek that rare thing: balance."

I am seeking today (everyday)... but will I find it?

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