Friday, May 20, 2005

One more and I will let this topic sleep

So I was talking with a coworker of mine who I tend to commiserate with. She has reassured me that it is NOT just me. She is finishing up her task on this project and will be running as far away as possible.

About 6 weeks ago she and I were tasked with assembling detectors. We worked on this. Unbeknownst to us, the task was taken away and given to an engineer. We showed up to work and everything was gone, moved, missing. When questioning the PPM he said he decided to have someone else do it, he felt it was a job for an engineer instead of two scientists. Gee, thanks for telling us.

Cari told me yesterday that another guy, Matt, was given the task to assemble the detect this week. Four different people have been tasked with this project in 6 weeks. None of us were ever given the chance to pursue it, research it, and complete it. It just keeps getting removed from one person and handed to another. Sounds like a great way to manage projects doesn't it?

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