Last night Leif slept the entire night in his crib, in his room. Note I didn't say that he slept THROUGH the night. Oh no, that would be too much to ask! But we are getting there. And I don't mind the time.
We have finally decided however, after last night, that I do think that The Sleep Lady is wrong in her assessment that toddlers don't need to eat between dinner and breakfast. Last night, Leif would not be comforted, spit out the pacifier. He would fall asleep and wake up wailing 5 minutes later. Finally Hans went against "the shuffle" and heated up a 6 oz bottle. In his crib, Leif ate the entire thing in record time. Then put the bottle down and rolled over and fell asleep and slept until 7am.
Leif is not a good eater. He is getting better, but I am really thinking that he just isn't to that point where he can go without eating from 7pm to 7am. We will get there, but for the time being, if we have to get up and give him a bottle, as long as he isn't using it to fall back asleep, we will do it. I can't stand the idea of making him sleep when he is hungry.
And it isn't like my level of "hungry". Oh gee, I haven't eaten in a few hours, I am craving chips, I must be hungry... eat, eat, eat. Leif doesn't eat when he isn't hungry. He is adament about that. At what age do we lose this seemingly valuable trait?
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