Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Guess the preschooler's art project

I have been thrilled the last three days when Leif has come home with art projects! This has been a rarity since he left the two year old room whereby he would bring home big pieces of paper with paint stripes in the color of the day. While I loved his art, I looked forward to seeing some creativity... some of himself in his art... something other than big swooshes of color.

Then a year of nearly nothing.

This isn't uncommon I was told as the kids get to pick what they do and since holding a pencil is difficult, they don't often choose art as much. Particularly the boys.

On Monday a mask came home. AB and I had mini giggle fits over it all night regarding the gigantic brown beard the mask sported. Leif was obviously modeling the mask after someone near and dear.

Yesterday I got a red construction paper crown and bracelet. My 16 year old self would have balked at driving down the highway wearing a red construction paper crown. At 36 years old I was proud, hoping somewhat to see someone I knew on the drive so I could show off my head ware.

Today was a mysterious object.

I pondered these strips of paper stuck together with tape.

It was small, see the pen there.

An inverted tree?

A brown star?

Thankfully Leif isn't to that point yet of being offended that I don't guess exactly what it is.

He told me immediately it was for me.

"Oh thanks!" I said, "what is it honey?"

"Silly mommy," he said, "it's your new swimsuit!"

Daddy was impressed.

He told me I don't often have to pick which body part a suit is going to cover...

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