Friday, January 13, 2006

Double Meme Tagged

HG and Sarah both tagged me with the topic "five weird habits I have".

The first player of this game starts with the topic "five weird habits I have" and people who get tagged then write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says you have been tagged? (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.

(Reading these you might suddenly realize where Leif's obsessive nature comes from... it is becoming shockingly apparent to me.)

1. I must get out of bed at a "good" time. A "good" time would be one that ends in 8 ideally. If that will really make me late I will deal with one that ends in 4. 5:58 is a good time, 6:28 would be even better because 6+2 = 8. But Leif has seriously put a cramp on this. Leif's idea of a good time to get up does NOT necessarily end in 8.

2. When I get in the car to leave I immediately wonder if there is anything I have left on. This means that I invariably have to go back in the house and check my curling iron. I am paranoid of burning down the house with a curling iron. (Nevermind that it has an auto shut off... that might just fail, you never know.) Yes and sometimes this thought doesn't strike me until I am a few blocks from the house, which means we get to turn around and go check. About 30% of the time it has not in fact been turned off. The exception to turning around is when AB is driving. He flat out refuses to humor me and let me go check.

3. Books... they need to be the right size and style to be on my bookshelf. I am not a fan of mass market books because they look and feel less refined for some reason. I prefer the thick paper paperbacks. I know, mass markets are cheaper, save some money! I will buy them if I really need to read a book and it is not available otherwise that I can fine. (For example, A Prayer for Owen Meany - great book btw.)

(This is getting hard.)
4. I am strangely into etiquette. It is there for a reason, to make guests feel comfortable. I can get past it, but my husband will get to hear all about it first.

5. I suck at talking on the phone. I can be, unintentionally really, rude on the phone. Honestly, I don't like the phone and I am not a sit and talk on the phone type of person. Guess I got it all out of my system when I was 13 and it was permanently attached to my head. I have to remind myself that if someone actually wants to talk to me it is a good thing (except for telemarketers, they are bad). I use the phone to convey important info - Leif is sick and we won't be able to play, what should I bring for the dinner party, what time do you want to meet for a Winny walk... Or to once a week talk to my mom and grandma.

This aversion is a fairly new development really, started when I was pregnant and I would get woken up from very precious sleep in the middle of the night by panicked phone calls that would send my husband over the edge. It was then that I seriously considered getting rid of the phone for good. (I was an irrational, hormonal, pregnant woman, what can I say.) That evolved into a hatred and deep seated fear of the phone simply ringing. We have worked past that and now we are onto the issue that it is just really, really hard to sit and talk on the phone with a toddler. Therefore in my "keeping an eye on my son" efforts while on the phone I sometimes forget to actually listen to the person (which is rude), one might get cut off if Leif is particularly interested in the phone (accidentally of course and not really my fault), or if he is sleeping than I am usually running around like a madwoman trying to get things done, I may forget to listen or I may sound harried. (Am I now just making up excuses?)

And don't even GET me started on call waiting. (The rudest invention ever.)

Tag to rockergirrl, Prissy Jane, Chem Mom, What Free Time, and The Mental Packrat.

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