Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Tuesday blah

On the way home last night I started feeling a little off. After dinner it only got worse. AB got Leif bathed and put to bed, then cleaned the kitchen while I layed and groaned on the couch. GI bug. Yuck. At least mine wasn't nearly as bad as Hans' last week. Nothing actually came up, yet.

Leif was up off and on all night again. This after a few really good nights (sleeping through, but up early). AB got up with him each of the three times and to his benefit worked on the sleep training and didn't take the easy way out. At 4am when I heard Leif crying and was sure he was up for good AB went in and got him back down where he slept until 6:28am. (My favorite wake up time.)

I tried and tried to keep moving this morning. But at 8am realized I needed to just send Leif with AB and rest some more. I wandered in at 9am. I took a call from my good PM saying he was in meetings all day and asked me to work on gathering materials for the teleconference tomorrow, since he wouldn't be able to. Since he was unavailable that also meant that for the first time ever I was fielding client calls!

I am not sure how that came about. My PM didn't tell me that he left my number as contact, so I am thinking it was on the client's part. (My phone number is on my sig.) Suddenly I was really happy that I made it in today. (And really happy that I have a charge code to sit at my desk - working of course - all day...)


Springs window fashions. Use them, they rock. So yesterday I had spent some time on the phone with them about my unmountable cellular shade that was special ordered from them. Initially they were no help at all - telling me to call Lowes and complain to them, it's their fault they special ordered it incorrectly.

Last night I got home and there was a message on my voicemail, well two messages actually... but the first one is one that just pisses me off and happens a few times a week. (TYVM family members who use our phone number and address as contacts for people you don't want to talk to...) The second message was from Springs, the woman who I had spoken to that afternoon called me to tell me about a website that is not affiliated with them and that sells hardware to mount blinds in situations like mine. How really, really nice. They have just redeemed a good part of the customer service industry. And if the website pans out and provides me the hardware I need then I am e-mailing them many kudos.


I am panicking a little now about our trip to Seattle. Not in regards to the drive, or Leif in restaurants (yikes). Nope, I was a slacker and didn't call my ultra-reliable neighbor girl until Sunday to ask her to dogsit. Well no, she can't. She and her family are going out of town. Ugh. So now I am scrambling to find someone to take care of Winny. AB is going to talk to our other neighbors tonight. They have a 10 year old boy who is looking for ways to earn money. My only hesitation is that he seems terrified of Win-girl. Anyone who knows Winny will laugh about this. Hope this pans out and that the son and parents are OK with this. Otherwise I am going to be imposing on friends, and I hate that.

One set of friends has 2 big dogs that get along great with Winny. But they also have a 15 month old and I don't want to burden them. I also know Winny will hide in the corner the entire time and not eat being away from home. But maybe Allie and Julie could coax her out to play. Another set of friends, we dogsit for them all.the.time. But they have a huge lot with no fence. I know Winny well enough to know that given the chance she will run all the way home and sit on the front porch. But that is still an option and I can provide a tie for them to put her on. Ugh. Why can't my neighbor girl just be at my beck and command whenever I need?

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