Thursday, July 27, 2006

Simplicity in my Wonder Woman underoos?

“Yours is a complex sign, and you can't be expected to process things the way that other, simpler signs do. Give yourself a little space to move. Your sense of wisdom demands more than surface solutions.”

Another horoscope. No, I don’t *really* buy into them… well all the time at least. I love this one though. It reminds me of a guy I dated in early college. I still am not sure how we got together, we weren’t at all alike. He annoyed me much of the time and I strived to change him into what I wanted. (Stupid girl) Finally I grew to realize there are plenty of fish in the sea and we weren’t right for each other and we parted ways.

Why this quote reminds me of him goes to his obsession with “simple folk”. He used to routinely say, “I like Jeff, he is a simple folk” or “I like Mary, she is a simple folk”. After hearing this in reference to nearly each of his friends, I finally questioned him, why did he term people “simple”, what makes a person “simple”, why was that good, was it a compliment to the person or would you be offended if someone termed you “simple”. Because I would be! His answer was frequently that simple people were “good” people, which I then would counter “does that mean that complex people are bad”. I didn’t want to lead a simple life. His obsession with leading a “simple life” was probably one of the things that finally divided us. I wanted to solve problems, live a big life, do fantastic things and live up to my potential as a human. (Yes, I was an idealistic college student at the time.) He wanted to make a living, make ends meet, play music and hang out with friends at music festivals. In his own words, he wanted to lead a simple life. I did not.

My mind may have changed a little as I have grown up. Maybe it is a shift in priorities. Maybe it is seeing life through the eyes of my child on a much more simplistic level. Maybe it is discovering that what really matters is friends and family and happiness, and not how many proposals I get out the door… Oh yeah, who am I kidding… what if getting 18 proposals out my door makes me happy? And it does matter… to me. But at this point in my life I find myself more and more striving for simplicity in life.

I tell myself (and my friends) that I am at a good point in my career. If I never got another promotion I would be ok with that. Apparently I am also very good at kidding myself. When it comes right down to it, I am a goat, I seek to climb. Even when I don’t seek it, I still climb. I am competitive, I like to hold my own and I want to be recognized for what I do. I have an inherent and undeniable drive and ambition. I want to be Wonder Woman. As an 8 year old little girl jumping off the couch in my underoos, I believed I was Wonder Woman. There are days when that belief never failed or fleeted. Days when I can still feel that silky polyester under my clothes.

So where does leading a simple life fit in with saving the world from villains? Are they mutually exclusive? Will I forever turn every small task into a huge project with many levels? Or someday, will I just be able to sit back, enjoy the music and have a glass of whatever? (I would really prefer wine though, and do you have a cabernet? Maybe a nice Washington Cab from the Red Mountain or Walla Walla AVA?)

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