We Tivo Little Einsteins for Leif. I appreciate the classical music and the art, as well as the exposure to different places, kids that are smart and can do anything and solve missions. Leif likes it and sings along and pats along with the tunes. This is kind of Leif's and AB's thing to watch together when they get home from daycare at 3:30pm and it is still 100F out. They watch Little Einsteins.
I hadn't seen an episode in a long time and had one playing for Leif last weekend. The credits started to roll and Leif started shrieking NO! AB tells me that no, I cannot in fact shut it off now, his favorite part is coming up. Favorite part? The show is over.
Well the show is only 24 minutes long, so to fill the 30 minute time slot they have to do something. AB then says "didn't I tell you about this train thing that is like porn star turned child entertainer?"
Umm no. You didn't. What the??
Up on the screen Choo Choo Soul starts up. Leif starts freaking out screaming choo choo and dancing. Evidently Choo Choo Soul is the real reward for sitting through the somewhat educational (or so I tell myself) Little Einsteins with daddy.
I probably wouldn't have such a hard time with it if it weren't for AB's comment about porn star turned child entertainer. No, he has no such evidence for this... so no heading to the website to see if any of you guys can identify her. *Sigh*
Apparently Choo Choo Soul is just a little guy secret daddy and Leif have
been keeping from mommy. I am sure it won't be the last.
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