Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sunday already

Where did this past week go? Oblivion evidently.

I just finished a major monumentous task in the house. Cleaning out the guest room/office. AB is at work, Leif is sleeping and I managed to complete this task in about 2 hours of solid work. I am tired. I am also quite positive that now that I sat my rear down in front of the computer that Leif will wake since he has been down asleep for just over 2 hours. And he can then further wear me out by being completely energized and ready to go.

His favorite thing this weekend is the newly discovered fun of a "sha-zaa". We don't dare speak the word around here for fear that he will run to the glass box and wail until he either gets his way or is successfully redirected. We purchased a dual "sha-zaa" head a few months ago. It was cheap, but since AB and I enjoy an occasional "sha-zaa" together and I dislike freezing through lack of water, I bought one. Got a guess yet? Shower. Yes, Shower equals sha-zaa in the Leif world. He gets in with one of us and we hand him the handheld shower head where he sprays mostly our feet, but sometimes his belly. It is great fun to be in charge of such a large stream of water! And best deal for me, I have someone to wash my feet for me. ( I suppose that is the benefit?) I keep waiting for AB to suggest I take Leif in the shower with me in the morning during the week so he can sleep longer. Not happening.

And he is up... to be finished at a later date.

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