Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Because I need to leave in 15 minutes

and that is just about enough time to type out the answers to this quiz.

Q: Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
A: Mine

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?
A: Oatmeal

Q: Do you have any pets?
A: A dog Winny, 2 goldfish (Momo and Momo) and a snail that has no name yet.

Q: Most recent movie that you watched?
A: March of the Penguins

Q: Name 3 things that you have on you all the time:
A: My purse, clothes, snacks for Leif.

Q: What's the color of your bedsheets?
A: White

Q: How much cash do you have on you right now?
A: $14

Q: What were you doing at midnight last night?
A: 12:02am hushing Leif back to sleep.

Q: What's your favorite part of the chicken?
A: Breast

Q: What's your favorite town / city?
A: Hmmm... Reno I think. I do love Fort Collins though (where I grew up), but not sure I could live there again. I could definitely live in Reno again though.

Q: How did your last relationship end?
A: Oh now that's a long time ago... hmm... went our separate ways I guess.

Q: I can't wait to ...
A: Go to Seattle in March

Q: When was the last time you saw your dad?
A: 6 years ago this June.

Q: How long have you been at your current job?
A: Nearly 4 years

Q: What's the last thing you said out loud?
A: "You need to pound really hard on that door for them to hear you." Stupid people think I am an admin and come and ask me stupid questions about where in the building people are. I *hate* that.

Q: Look to your left. What's there?
A: My CU Alumni Association calendar on the wall.

Q: What is the last thing/person you spent over $100 on?
A: I just bought a jogging stroller

Q: Who's your favorite villain?
A: Darth Vadar (yes, I am a geek)

Q: What's the last piece of clothing you loaned to someone?
A: Oh wait, I do remember. I loaned my sister a pair of shoes on my wedding day because she INSISTED on getting this one pair and then they were too uncomfortable to wear. She ended up wearing a pair of black low heel mules I have.

Q: What web site(s) do you visit the most during the day?
A: Delphi

Q: If you could drink anything right now what would it be?
A: Pumpkin Spice Latte

Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now?
A: No.

Q: What city was your last taxi cab ride in?
A: Washington DC

Q: Do you own a picture phone?
A: No

Q: What's your favorite Starbucks drink?
A: Pumpkin Spice Latte

Ok, anyone else want to do this, then do it!

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