Monday, October 24, 2005

A Leifer Update

It is 8pm, AB is in class, Leif is sleeping and an hour before Las Vegas is on... oops I don't "really" watch that mindless show...

So here I am, my favorite topic to blog about - Leif.

A Boy and His Dog:
Today Leif and I went to pick up Winny at the groomers after work. Leif is quite taken with Winny - Winny not quite as taken with Leif, but she loves him. One day when Leif throws her ball further than 2 feet in front of his feet she will realize his worth.

We picked up Winny at Petsmart (image to ponder, one antsy dog ready to leave Petsmart, one toddler with a ball, one big bag of dog food and one mom). Umm yeah. I get Win-dog and the food in the back of the 4 Runner and put Leif in his carseat, still rearfacing (because that is the safest way for him to ride). He loves it when he can see Winny back there and willingly gets into the carseat. I am thinking Winny is condemned to start riding wherever we go now.

Leif is sitting there, reaches out his hand, points at her and clearer than any other polysyllabic word he has ever said states, "Winny!" Ok, so it was more like "weenie", but it was SOO cute. He repeated it once, but I couldn't coax it out of him again.

Plain Rude:
This weekend AB sat down on the floor to read to Leif. Leif starts scowling at him and finally gets up, yanks the book out of his hands and marches over to me and hands the book to me. Then sits himself down and smiles, waiting attentively for me to read it.

Mean mommy said no. Handed the book back to AB for him to read, while I sat with them.

My Daredevil:
Daycare has a "rollercoaster" in the yard. It takes work, but guess who loves it? You guessed it. He rolls the car from across the yard, up the roller coaster, rests it at the top. Crawls down and goes over and climbs the long set of stairs to the top where he perches himself precariously on the cart and inches forward. Within seconds my son careens down the slope, surmounts the next hill, flies down the second slope and onto the grass where the cart comes to a rest 50 feet from the end of the roller coaster. Seeing him do this just made my heart pound!

[The truth: Daycare has a "rollercoaster" in the yard. It takes work, but guess who loves it? You guessed it. He rolls the car from across the yard [5 feet away], up the [plastic slope] roller coaster, rests it at the top. Crawls [steps] down and goes over and climbs the long set of stairs [set of two steps] to the top [8-10 inches off the grass] where he perches himself precariously on the cart and inches forward. Within seconds my son careens [rides] down the slope, surmounts [barely coasts over] the next hill, flies [rolls] down the second slope and onto the grass where the cart comes to a rest 50 feet [maybe 5 feet] from the end of the roller coaster. Seeing him do this just made my heart pound!]

Trip to the doctor:
Leif went to the doctor last week to have her look at his non-infected ears. I was *positive* we would get there only to have them infected. But it could have been teeth (molars) making him fussy. Apparently it was molars. But the doctor did get to see that he does occasionally NOT have an ear infection. But I fear the next infection will result in a referral to an ENT for tubes. Ack. In the meantime he got his first half dose of the flu shot and was found to weigh 24 lbs and 6 oz. We shared a scone afterwards - truth be told I was allowed to have a few bites of his scone.

Since getting over the ear infections Leif's vocabulary has continued to grow, ever so slowly. He is getting better about using mama and dada appropriately. However, it is amazing how much stuff sounds like "da", like "doggie" and "done". It is all about the context.

"Juice" is the newly mastered word, that sounds more like "oose" (rhymes with moose). Rice is kind of like eyes, which saying that particular word will yield a tiny little finger dart aimed right at the iris. Thank goodness for eyelids.

Milk is still a quick yank at mom's neckline on the shirt and a glance downward and whining, even though he has been weaned for 5 weeks. I am shocked that he still associates milk with mom's chest!

Leif is sleeping like a pro and we have (knock on wood) seem to have surmounted the 5am wakings. He is up routinely at 3-4am for a bottle, drinks it quick and is out equally as quick until about 7am. I am loving the time in the morning to walk Winny and get back and shower and get ready without someone hanging from my legs. It goes so much quicker. And AB is loving the sleep in time.

I would post a picture from the pumpkin patch, but damn Netscape will not let me upload a picture. And since I am not feeling like switching browsers, relogging in, copying this post over all to upload a picture it will have to wait till tomorrow.

Have a good night!

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