Friday, October 28, 2005


The whole family needs a weekend. This week has flown by for me, but it has been a good week aside from getting a head cold.

The highlight of my week was the promotion. I am still enjoying knowing that in just a few short months I will be making more money. I divulged the info on my promotion to the biggest mouth in my division and am plain curious to see how quickly the info spreads. She asked what my mentor thought about it and I told her the honest truth, that he was thrilled and said that my promotion to 4 could be nearer than I think. (I couldn't resist including the later statement.)

Now this woman, who is my new level for some unknown reason (believe me, UNKNOWN reason and is poster child for milking a charge code dry) and has only been with the company for 1.5 years tells me, "oh they will never promote you until you bring down your own grant, that's what they told me which is why I am switching to management". (Her in management... whole other story.) I replied, "remember my proposal? You know the funded one?" Oh yeah, she replies. Well you will need another one then. Apparently she knows more than my mentor who is levels above us all, and has been with the company for 20 years?

I got my hair trimmed last night after cancelling my appointment twice before. I thought about cancelling again since I was sick, but didn't. I decided while I was there for my reward to myself, since the Pottery Barn buffet I want is not an option for awhile longer, to schedule a massage next Friday evening. A hot stone 1 hour massage. I so need that. I was going to do a pedicure, my indulgence, but I haven't had a massage in so long.

I woke up this morning, after having a horrible nights sleep since Leif was up every half hour from 2am to 3:30am coughing, to Leif singing in his bedroom. So, so cute. It just melts my heart. It was more of a "la la la" combined with humming, no words, but definitely singing. What a nice way to wake up instead of to the alarm clock.

I spent today working with a coworker on our project in another lab. I run the "bench scale" system, he runs the "full scale" system. I have never gone down and helped him before, but I had a great time. We were scrambling to correct problems a few times, and we had lots of laughs while he divulged embarrassing moments about our PM to me. It was fun. The run was to take an hour and I was down there for 3 hours because of the problems we kept encountering. But the other option was to come back here and work on a proposal... I don't think so.

So that proposal I need to be working on... yeah well I should go. Have a great weekend everyone!

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