Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Finally the day has come

My manager called me last night before I left and told me that they had the promotion meeting last week and that I have been promoted to "Senior Research Scientist". Yay!

I am happy, probably not as happy as I should be mostly because I feel it should have happened last year but it didn't for whatever reason (and I have theories, believe me... but I won't go into it here, but you can scroll back to last year at this time to read them). Anyways, happy mostly because that means I don't have to go be confrontational and reconsider my career path.

I am very happy at this level and if I never got another promotion I would be content with my career. This is a level which many scientists opt to stay at their entire career if they choose. So my plan is to hang out here at this level until Leif and any other future children are in school and possibly then push forward. My mentor disagrees with this and stated in an e-mail to me this morning that the next promotion is probably closer than I realize.

I will get a salary action to go along with the promotion, but numbers haven't been put out yet. My personal goal is that when I have a second child to be in a position to where I can cut my work schedule back to between 75-80% time to have more time with family.

Of course my good news was immediately shadowed by a call from daycare... Leif fell and chipped a tooth on the concrete. Poor guy. Evidently he took it well, no bleeding, no swelling. You can just barely see the chip. Regardless, I plan to take him in to have it smoothed out and looked at.

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