Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Wednesday that feels like Monday

It is Wednesday and it feels like Monday. Which is far better than it being Monday and feeling like Wednesday of course. But it is also disconcerting that I only have a few days left in my week and I still have so much to accomplish.

I have to say that I hope I didn't sound whiney earlier. I really don't care that my birthday doesn't always get remembered. I more just get tired of people making up excuses. But this one was my favorite this year, "it's just too close to Christmas to remember". Well hold on a sec... let me change that for you... Just because I remember birthdays in no way means that I expect others to do the same for me, if that makes sense. I am just anal that way... or should I say that my "analytical analytical" self comes out.

So I found out on Monday and Tuesday that I am "analytical analytical". Give up? Me too. I spent 2 days in social skills class. It is supposed to teach all of us inept scientists and engineers how to interact with each other. Umm yeah, I learned a lot. (Me=cynical? Never)

So analytical category means that I use "ask" instead of "tell" in my communications. Basically I don't bark orders, I might ask a lot of questions and say pretty please a lot. Not so far off I suppose... Couple that with me being "task oriented" and not "people oriented" and I am analytical. Evidently in my personality I can take that to an extreme and that makes me "analytical analytical". Or A^2, as I like to call it.

All of this was gleaned from 5, or in my case, 4 evaluations provided by people I know. My mistake, most of them came from people I work under. So maybe that's why I was more "ask" since I always ask them for things. And maybe why I was more "task" than "people" since I work on tasks for them. Whatever.

In asking around most people seem quite surprised with my classification. I am not overly surprised necessarily, I think I am analytical, but not A^2. What struck me as funny is the number of people who disagree that I am not people oriented. This kind of cracks me up... I have evidently fooled many people. Yes, I love to throw parties, entertain, get people together... but I do this rarely. I am far more comfortable sitting at home with Hans and Leif.

I think the one thing that the social styles class showed me was how "off" it was in how I respond to stress. I can be and tend towards extremely confrontational. So much so that I need to watch to not make a fool out of myself. People who avoid confrontation drive me crazy when I am in that pissy stress mode. So how can I then be A^2? The model must be wrong.

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