Monday, August 25, 2008

My real issue with the dentist

You know by now that I have a long history with dentists. Extractions, a head gear, a bionator, braces, retainers, and two sets of bridges later... well you can understand my loathing of the dentist. Today I had an old amalgam filling replaced that had seen better days.

Amalgam... must have been REALLY old since amalgam is one of my husband's annoyances. Before we were even married he insisted we pay extra for the composite fillings. Now they are just standard thankfully, but he mentions pretty regularly (like tonight) our need to get all our amalgam fillings replaced with composite. But I digress.

I am used to the routine. I am used to the smells, the grinding, the shots in the roof of my mouth, the gagging x-rays... You get the idea. I am used to it.

I actually don't have poor quality teeth as far as decay (thankfully). My issues go to placement of teeth and lack of teeth in the right places.

I don't particularly like any of the above listed things, but I am used to them.

What really bugs me about the dentist?

Having that dang plastic backed napkin thing against my neck.

My hygienist at least folds it so the raw edge isn't against my neck, tickling and annoying the crap out of me. But the folded edge isn't that much better.

As the dentist works I have learned to hold the napkin down so it doesn't rub against my apparently ultra-sensitive neck. I am sure the think me a little nuts when they have to yank it out of my hands to wipe some random tool on it.

There, now that that is off my chest (pun intended) I can go to bed.

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