Thursday, May 22, 2008

Recent blips from the kids

One evening a few weeks back AB and I were supposed to go out and have an adults night out. Then Skadi started puking.

On their way to the get-together our friends K&V - also attending the get-together dropped off dessert for us. Creme brulee. Yumm.

Leif was so excited and gobbled it up.

The next night he asked, "what is Aunty V going to bring us for dessert tonight?"


Leif has figured out what allergies are. One of the boys in his classes is allergic to many foods. So lately when he doesn't want to do something he plays the allergy card.

"No mommy, I am allergic to turning off the TV."

"No mommy, I am allergic to meat."

"No mommy, I am allergic to coming inside."

So he doesn't have the full grasp of what being allergic really is. It just seems to be a surefire way to be exempt from whatever he is being asked to do.

Not that it works.


The first thing Skadi likes to do in the mornings once I release her from the confines of the Master Suite after having gotten ready for the day is to wander into Leif's room and wake him up. This isn't always what I want since sometimes (like this morning) she is up at 6am. And Leif will sleep till 7:30am.

However, being woken up by Skadi seems to be acceptable and usually nixes the whining. So I don't worry too much about it.

It just warms my heart to see her reach up and pat him giggling. Then once awake and she has been allowed onto the bed, go over and lay her head on him and wrap her arms around him.

Of course Leif thinks it is awfully special too.


Leif likes to declare things his "favorites" lately. If he likes something it is immediately "his favorite".

We have finally moved beyond his favorite song being Upside Down by Jack Johnson. I like it, but wow he can listen to a song ad nauseum.

Recently he declared his favorite song to be Ben Harper's "Steal My Kisses" and he would sing along in the car. Then much to my surprise the other day he declared Ray Charles' "You Are My Sunshine" his favorite.

But his true favorite? His real favorite song?

The one he sings all.the.time lately.

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