Wednesday, December 29, 2010

4.5 Days Remaining

We are on the downward slope from 2 weeks off. The kids are still enjoying their time off as am I. I haven't reached that point yet where I am longing to get up and go in to my office.

Before the two weeks off I made a list of what I planned to do, let's check the progress:

Organize recipes - Does it count that all my recipes are in one general location?
  • I have recipe boxes from my grandmother. They are old metal boxes with recipes unsorted into categories. Not to mention, that they are recipes that I am unlikely to ever make. I like having them for the attachment to the past. My grandmother was not organized, nor was she a cook. She was a master of one dish casseroles and spaghetti sauce made from tomato soup and Velveeta cheese.
  • I have one recipe box that was my mom's and it is the opposite. Neatly written out cards all organized carefully. When my sister asked me for a peanut butter pie recipe and key lime pie recipe, I had my hands on them in a matter of minutes.
  • My recipes fall somewhere in between. My large box crashed and burned and not knowing what to do with the gazillion cards at the time I put them in a Ziploc freezer bag. As long as you don't jiggle around the bag, they are still reasonably organized.
  • Anyways, obvious that I haven't figured out what to do with these? I am not sure I want to intermingle the eras yet. So for now, the recipes will all sit in one area in my pantry.

Finish quilt - yes, the one that I started, sure I could finish in three weeks, then the dog broke my sewing machine and I had to replace it - the sewing machine, not the dog - and then life got in the way.

  • I am happy to report that the quilt top is DONE!
  • I am thinking I might venture to JoAnn's today to get fabric for the back and batting.
  • I am also thinking that since my new machine has a little opening and this is a huge quilt that I will be handquilting this one. Any advice? I have only handquilted one quilt to this point.

Make salted English toffee.

  • Done and it is freaky delicious. I am partial to the sea salt version while my husband prefers the almond one.

Digital Music (I am sure I am supposed to organize it, organize my playlists, upload my cds or something here. My digital music simply needs attention)

  • I was funny to think I would get to this... Maybe it will be a goal for February?

Make lefse

  • Plan to do this on New Years Day, I think.

Make and decorate sugar cookies

  • Done and do I admit that they are very nearly all on my thighs right now?

Take kids to see Tangled

  • Done and it was a great flick. Even Leif liked it and talks about it. Skadi's favorite part was "all of it".

Take kids to open gym one (or more) afternoon at Garlands

  • Done once and not relishing the thought of doing it again. In fact, I haven't even told them this is an option. Love Coach and talked to him for a bit while there, and it was super that one of our friends brought his daughter with. But there were A LOT of kids there and I spend much of the time fretting about where Skadi was. I couldn't see her around all the equipment. The kids don't even realize going another day would be an option.

Organize Kitchen Desk and Desk Cupboard

  • Done, done, done! Yippee yay yay! And I even found the long lost address book and at the last minute got cards out. Phew!

Catch up on our recorded shows

  • We are working our way through this season of Glee and AB is anxious to get to the Halloween week themed one. (Hope he doesn't read this and find out that his secret is out!) We have not watched any Boardwalk Empire though because it appears that our DVR has been spotty with recording it. Sigh.
  • We did however, rent a movie! Actually I have seen two! Tara and I rented Sex and the City 2 which was a fun and lighthearted movie. I enjoyed it. AB and I rented Inception and it only took me three nights to get through it. Very good, but I kept falling asleep in it. Irony?


  • See my thighs.
  • AB's orange Turkish coffees are amazing. So were those couple bottles of wine we delved into. And my Ruby Red martinis...

Wear my pajamas past 7am.

  • This one was easy to accomplish since the kids have given us a reprieve and have been sleeping in until 8am most days. *I* have been sleeping in till nearly 8am.

Watch entire movies, not just bits from the kitchen, with my children. (I am allowing magazines or Kindles to be in my hands through this though.)

  • Yes, I have done this. I am all the way through my magazines and have a new high score on iPhone SkeeBall.

Plan my house projects for 2011

  • Done

Other things that have popped on the list? We are headed up skiing tomorrow. I am tackling Christmas decorations today. Walks on most days. Phone calls with family. All the stuff that matters!

1 comment:

vanessa said...

What about putting recipe cards in photo album sleeves?

I put all my printout recipes in page protectors on and a binder last Christmas.