Sunday, September 28, 2008

The *thing* in the garbage disposal

AB was bathing the kids as I did the kitchen clean up.

I flipped on the garbage disposal and it started clunking. Pretty badly.

So I waited for it to spin down then reached my hand in and fished around.

I found something and pulled it out.

A grey mass.

What the hell is this? I asked myself examining it a little closer. (Always a bad idea.)

Is that? OMG, its fur! And that's a tail! An eye!

I screamed. I screamed like a little girl. It just came out.

AB is yelling for me, "what's wrong? Are you ok?" he asks paranoid to leave the kids in the back.

I threw it in the sink and felt like throwing up as I went running into the bathroom.

"The sink, it's in the sink," was all I could say as I saw the kids playing in the tub.

He was in there a few minutes. I knew he was looking over the *thing* I pulled out of the disposal. Trying to figure out how it got there? I could tell he was trying to decide what exactly it was.

He came back, "I think it's a cat toy".

I was relieved. I hadn't even thought of a cat toy.

But that one word stood out to me, "you *think*?"

"Well there's no blood and I didn't see any bones," he says shrugging.

He's right I thought to myself. I didn't see any of that either.

Then he thinks for a minute. "I will go throw it away," he states.

I nodded.

I am NEVER buying another realistic looking mouse toy EVER again.

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