Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Leif was right

This morning as we were TRYING to get out of the house, Leif called me asking me to bring the camera.

He insisted I needed to get a picture of he and Skadi together.

It was one of those mornings where I knew I had so much to do, but also knew that insisting that we get out the door would end up taking far longer with a cranky boy then just grabbing the camera and snapping a few pictures.

Well, Leif was right. I managed the elusive smiling shot of two children.

Here is "Hamburger Lip" and his sister.

Of course if I were a really savy photographer I would have photoshopped out the Hamburger lip. But it is 9:53pm and I really am determined to get through the April book club book, Three Cups of Tea. (Yes, I *have* been reading it for two months now... and people wonder why I am contemplating an adjunct position in my book club.)

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