Monday, June 07, 2010

Getting back to it

That is my goal for the month of June. I need to get back to working out every morning. I need to get back to eating well - okay, so I always eat "well". What I really mean is that I need to work at eating healthy and not snacking. (I truly do not know why those Cheez-It Duos beckon me like they do.)

I have added only one June monthly goal on top of this.

And I think it is an easy one. A good one for easing back into life as normal.

I need to organize my recipes.

I love recipes.

I tear them out of magazines, I print them up on the computer, I have e-mails from friends with recipes. I really love recipes.

What I don't love is the big vinyl folder that I keep them all in. I flip through page after page vaguely remembering if the recipe I am seeking is on a printer page or on a half magazine page with or without a picture. No organization whatsoever.

I also have a big binder of recipes sorted in pockets by type of food. It was a good organizational tactic, until I got the vinyl folder for "everyday" recipes.

Oh and did I mention there is a drawer in my coffee table with recipes?

And I also tried the journal book with the names of recipes and online sources. (Flop.)

Bookmarking is a good option... if I know exactly what I am looking for.

So the plan is that when I make a recipe that I have made more than once and know I will make again, to pull out a recipe card and write it up on the card as I make it. Then I toss the sheet of paper and file the card in a recipe binder that I bought today.

I bought a cute little cupcake recipe binder, only to get it home and realize that all the tabs are for desserts.

And well, desserts? I have a repertoire of like 5.

My mom's rhubarb custard pie, my mom's chocolate cake, nectarine pie, the chocolate chip cookie recipe on the back of the Nestle bag and my great grandmother's sugar cookie recipe.

I don't need tabs for those.

AB suggested I just "cross them out and write over them". My sister in law said I could print up little labels on the computer and then cut to fit the tab so it looks neater.

Guess who is more in tune with me? Yes, it bothers me that the tabs are wrong, therefore I need a solution that isn't "cross it out"!

So there it is. My monthly goals for June. Exercise. Quit snacking. Pay attention to portions. Consider rerererecommitting to Weight Watchers.

And deal with the disorganization that is my vast collection of recipes.


Jo said...

How I wish I had organized recipes. My problem...I keep the whole magazine because I can easily find the recipe I'm looking for because its in the Lady Di issue of Good, I have an old mag from the 80's with an awesome pork tenderloin recipe. I have the recipe memorized now but cant toss it just in case. I have all of the tried and true favorites written in journals for the kids (when they move out) but for MY recipes that I want to try...bookmarks, magazines and scraps of paper tucked into cookbooks.
On another note, the word verification word is penises..its actually pensies but thats not what my eyes saw first. =o)

Nuclear Mom said...

I used to keep the whole magazine! Then I got tired of moving them and them taking up space. And I never went back to the magazine.

And I am cracking up at the word verification! Like it actually does anything... I am still getting spam posts like crazy.