Monday, October 27, 2008

Toys, toys, toys

I posted last week about Leif finding and zoning in on the Lego Coast Guard Platform. Happy to report that after ordering it, that it is still the toy of choice. We were at Target the other day and lo and behold, there it was. Available nearly nowhere online, but sure enough, our Target carries it. Go figure.

Leif walked up to it and declared, "this is what I want, right? I found it in the catalog and it is here! Let's get it now!" We let him admire it and then shoo'd him on to the aisle of inexpensive gift appropriate toys for the birthday party he was attending the next day.

The catalog obsession has remained pretty constant, however now Leif is finding the catalogs himself and not waiting for me to hand them. This also means that he flips open magazines only to be disappointed when there aren't pages and pages of toys. Or gasp... he finds a catalog for women's clothing. ("Hey what kind of toy catalog is this?") This morning he did find a toy catalog however and of course, a toy inside.

I was doing Skadi's hair when he brought it to me and I honesly don't remember what it was he was singing the virtues of this morning. My response was the typical, "remember to tell Santa about it". (Lucky for me he can't write and make a list yet.)

He persisted.

"Grandpa would be REALLY impressed if I got this and brought it to Colorado!"

So the tactics have changed now... it isn't just that Leif wants the toy - but bring GRANDPA... Leif's biggest advocate... into the mix!

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