Monday, November 05, 2007

An evening of mourning

Last night AB and Leif went out onto the porch with a big knife and the trash can. They hacked my giant pumpkin to pieces. Ok, AB did the hacking, Leif tossed the pieces in the trash can.

I went out to check on them and was nearly choked up at seeing the demise of my giant.

"It's so sad Mommy," Leif said with a big grin on his face as he tossed chunks into the can.

"It is sad," I told him.

Somehow a big sendoff seemed more fitting. But what do you do when you have 140 lbs of one pumpkin to send off?

AB said he was a little concerned about the trash can. A total of 210 lbs of pumpkin on top of our regular trash might give the garbage truck a run for its money.

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