Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Some Leif funnies

I need something to cheer me up today. I have raging hormones that have turned me into a big pile of negativity spewing pooey (see the Nuclear Mom's Second Pregnancy blog in the side column).

Toddler OCD, a real phenomena
Leif and I have been working hard on looking for cars when we cross the street to get the mail. I ask him if there are cars coming, he looks and often points out the parked cars on our street, then when I reassure him they aren’t moving we agree we can go.

I can now rest assured that I have properly conveyed to him the necessity of looking both ways for cars based off my experience in driving to work this morning. Every time we stopped at an intersection Leif would YELL from the back seat, “CARS COMING MOMMY, DON’T GO!” Of course being a toddler and OCD just comes natural to toddlers he can’t just tell me once at each intersection. Oh no, no less than 23 times at each intersection was acceptable.

How to wake daddy according to Leif:

"DADDY, wake up!" screamed multiple times.

AB groggily rolls over with eyes open.

Apparently this has not been a success since he isn't up and out of bed immediately. Leif gets onto the bed.

"Put your blankey away Daddy! Put your blankey away!" Leif says as he peels the covers off AB leaving him exposed.


I am thinking it might be time to start thinking about moving Leif out of his crib. We had planned on keeping him in it until after the baby came, then making a big deal out of a NEW room and moving him then. Some people have agreed with this tactic, others disagreed. I think it is all in how it is approached.

However, the past two of three nights Leif has not been interested in going to bed in his crib. In fact, tonight he asked to sleep on the floor. Ok, once in the crib, he cried to sleep on the floor. I pulled him out, he layed his head on his pillow on the floor, asked for his blankey and told me goodnight.

And he was out. I am thinking this weekend we may pull the crib mattress out and put it on the floor and let him start by sleeping on that. Depending on how that goes we might consider a move sooner than anticipated to a new big boy room and turn the nursery into the temporary guest room, maybe over Thanksgiving?

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